This weekend, we're holding a Last-Minute Marathon over at Evolution. If you're doing the Lunacy and are behind--or just are a marathon junkie!--hop on over and join in!
(I'll be in chat most of the weekend, esp. at nights, writing my eyeballs out. This could make typing difficult. Anyone wanting to hop in with me and Word War would be muchly appreciated. ;)
Nonny Blackthorne wrote at 1:54 PM
No, I'm not talking blonde bimbo Bunnies. Sorry to disappoint.
I'm talking plotbunnies here. Yeah. Them. I swear, the buggers must hide under the bed or something. (Though that's gotta be uncomfortable, as our bed at the moment is a mattress on the floor. Apparently I have plotbunny pancakes.)
First, everything was going fine and dandy with Stronger than the Night. Then Eric threw a screaming bitch fit and I got blocked to high holy hell on it. Switch to To Weather the Storm. Everything goes just great with that, till I realise the bloody thing's a trilogy. Hear the screech of mental brakes? Everything closed up shop faster than a good girl's legs. Watch out, the ice burns.
And now my bastard antagonist decides to crawl out from his imprisonment in the pretty pink dungeon, prostrate (not to be confused with prostate) himself in front of me, and tell his Mistress what he wants. WTF?
I think the vroom-vroom of my brain must scare my plotbunnies away. They hear the engine revving and get skitterish, but after awhile it's too much and they run for their safe haven under the bed. Maybe there they'll find peace. Maybe there they'll find some safety from the wicked mind attempting perversion of their inner natures. Maybe there they'll find a place where they can roam free and breed armies of DoomBunnies to assault the writerly world.
Or maybe they'll find themselves flattened into plotbunny pancakes. Anyone got syrup?
Nonny Blackthorne wrote at 3:29 AM
To Weather the Storm
3344 / 30000 (11.15%)
I still need to rewrite Chapter 01, and then I can continue on. I'm behind (I should be at 9k), but not so badly that I can't catch up. Still need to get the latter part of the book plotted. Meh.
Nonny Blackthorne wrote at 1:34 AM
Saturday, August 06, 2005
I swear, it's one thing after another with this WIP. First, I find out after finishing Lucivano's character bio and outlining accordingly that he was enslaved for ten years, which so totally fucks over my former idea of his character. Read: bitter ex-slave vs. hopeful ambitious youth. Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, I find out the book is actually a trilogy.
I've been having trouble with the book since I started working on it. At least, trouble with Zenaya's scenes. I didn't have any trouble with the first interlude with the Voidlords. Rather liked how it came out, and liked working on it. Came off it excited to work on the next one, which I found somewhat strange, since I left the first scene not looking forward to the next.
I attributed it to just having problems with writing in general. I've had trouble every time I've attempted writing a novel for the past two years. I think the most I've ever managed to write in one before burning out was about 15k. (I'm getting sick of it.) So I didn't really pay too much attention, just kept (trying) to slag along, without making much progress. Got very annoyed at the WIP trying to flip to 1st person.
After two hours and 200 words tonight, it hit me. The book--or, at least, Zenaya's scenes--want to be written in 1st person. Except the book can't be in 1st, because I have more than one viewpoint character. I know that books with more than one 1st person viewpoint character are selling now, but I haven't seen it done (yet) in a way that works well. I tried to push ahead anyway, and kept having trouble.
So I decided, no harm in seeing how it would flow in 1st. So rewrote what I already had. Ended up with 450 words vs. 280--in 15 minutes. Part of the speed is the words I already had written... but I nearly doubled my count in less than an eigth of the time it took me to write the original words. And I'm not slogging through it, feeling like it's fake and shitty.
So the first draft will be written in 1st, at least for Zenaya's scenes. After the book is finished, I'll rewrite to tight third. Shouldn't be that big a deal, as tight third is essentially 1st person written with 3rd person pronouns, sans limitations of 1st.
This never could be easy, could it? :P
Nonny Blackthorne wrote at 6:08 AM